Products We Recommend
Our customers are always inquiring about the best products they can use in their home....introducing your answer sheet. These are all the products we have tried and tested ourselves that we have found to be of the highest and most effective quality. From carpet care to mold prevention. We've got you covered! Not to mention....we're just a call away if you want to bring in the professionals!
Bissell Little Green ProHeat

Whether your toddler spilled her juice on the carpet for the tenth time or your precious pet was feeling under the weather. We recommend this affordable in-home carpet cleaning machine for those instances where you just need to clean up a mess before it becomes a stain and you don't want to have to call the professionals to do it.
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Frigidaire High Efficiency 50-Pint Dehumidifier

While a little bit of humidity can be advantageous, increased concentrations of humidity can be damaging to the paint and walls of your basement and lead to mold. Not only is this one portable, compact, but it works smoothly without making much noise. The best part is, a dehumidifier could end up saving you thousands in repairs. If your basement smells and looks wet and damp, get a dehumidifier right away to eliminate the condensation. If you notice any mold spores developing on your walls and other surfaces, act fast or the spores will multiply, which means you'll have to spend more in damages.